Exercise Dropout Already?

You May Need A Mental Makeover.

Are you an exercise dropout? Join the parade. Lots of people struggle before they find their own true path to a healthier lifestyle. You probably started the New Year with the best of intentions. You wanted to lose weight, experience more energy, reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes, and lift your spirits — all the usual wonderful reasons people exercise.

But now, your enthusiasm may be fading. You feel bored, sore, impatient. You are on the verge of being an exercise dropout, a fitness flop. It’s all too common, and the question is: Why?

It may surprise you to discover that very often, the cause is not physical. It’s mental. It could be bad attitude, poor understanding or lack of knowledge. And the good news is that help is on the way. What you need is a mental makeover, a shift in your thinking, so that the myths you believe in and the mistakes you are making disappear and you become the active, calm, healthy person you want to be.

So, let’s look at some common mental mistakes and misconceptions:

• YOU EXPECT TOO MUCH TOO SOON. Too many of us start an exercise program and want instant results. Get real. Your best chance of success comes from not expecting too much of yourself. You may feel a dramatic difference right away, or you may not. Be content to simply show up — at the gym, in the pool, on the treadmill. Be patient, and discover ways to enjoy your workout. It takes time to get in shape. Expect to be tired, even a little sore, at first. Acknowledge that your body is talking to you. Talk back and keep it fun, and eventually, your muscles will adapt, your mind will stop struggling, the endorphins will kick in and you’ll actually look forward to your workouts. I promise!

• YOU HATE THE FIRST FIVE MINUTES OF YOUR WORKOUT. You’re not alone. Accept the fact that it takes a few minutes for your body to warm up to the idea of vigorous exercise. So, ease into it. At first, even going slowly, you may feel sluggish. Keep breathing — listening to the sound of your inhales and exhales — and trust your body. Once your heart and lungs kick in — between 3 and 6 minutes, when oxygen supply meets oxygen demand — you’ll be well on your way to an enjoyable, energizing workout.

• YOU PUSH TOO HARD. A lot of people quit exercising because they’re under the misconception that the harder and faster they push, the more fat they’ll burn. Not true, fitness experts know. Research shows it is not the intensity or speed of your walk, let’s say, that is most important in fat loss. It is the length of time you stay in motion. To burn more fat, you’re better off walking at an enthusiastic pace for 45 to 60 minutes than jogging for 30. Another problem with pushing too hard is that it makes you uncomfortable, and discomfort is a turn-off. So, slow down, keep smiling, and wait patiently for the positive results.

• YOU TRY TO EXERCISE AWAY UNWANTED FLAB. People who exercise because they want to stop their thighs from jiggling or slim their hips or lose their big belly are setting themselves up to fail. You can’t spot reduce. Repeat it and believe it: You cannot spot reduce. Yes, you can exercise more and eat less and lose overall body fat. And you certainly can grow muscle and improve the shape of your body over time. But targeting a body part for instant spot reduction is a myth and a mistake. Indeed, the sooner you learn to accept and appreciate the body you have — jiggly thighs and all — the more likely you are to experience meaningful change.

• YOU PUSH YOURSELF TO EXERCISE EVERY DAY. Eventually, your body will come to crave exercise. It’s hormonal. Be happy. You’ll get hooked on how good it feels, and you’ll want to do something physical every day. But when you’re first starting out, pushing yourself to exercise every day can be a mistake. It’s too much. There’s a lot of medical research to back up the belief that exercising three to five times a week is better for you than exercising every day. So schedule days off, and alternate hard workouts with easier ones. Don’t let exercise become an obsession. It’s a wonderful path to good health and wellbeing, but as in all things, take it in moderation.



Winter workouts are exhilarating, but cold, wet feet are not. Use socks that wick away moisture — not cotton! — and stuff an extra dry pair in your pocket just in case your toes begin to complain.

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