All is Well in Greece

All Is Well was conceived, born and officially launched on a small, remote magical island in Greece where I am lucky enough to live several months a year. Be happy for me. It’s a sign all your wellness training is paying off.

At George’s Place, one of the best beach bars in the Aegean, more than 100 friends and family showed up to eat well, drink steadily, and enjoy a raucous conversation about those All Is Well moments in our lives when waves of well-being sweep over us, and we are grateful just to be alive.

It was a triumph. . . and friends from 12 different countries bought 49 books. I signed them all in English.

All Is Well continues to sell at Nektar, a fabulous shop owned by the even more fabulous Irini. Irini carries only the finest items made in Greece—the tastiest olive oils, cheeses, herbs, wines and a few hand-picked books. Another choice of hers is Cafe Tempest: Adventures on a Small Greek Island. It’s one of my favorites too, available on Amazon and other places where brilliant and funny fictional memoirs are sold.